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Educational Programs

Retirement TAX CUT

–  Understanding Taxation Options in Retirement  –

Please join us for this outstanding and ‘One-of-a-Kind’ educational seminar.  It is a TRUE Retirement Income Tax course.    You can learn how to protect your family’s retirement assets that you worked so hard to accumulate and how to take advantage of the tools that Congress has already given you!  The seminar is informational and educational only. The information presented represents our understanding of the generally applicable rules.

By the way, those rules change from time to time.  You’ll want to seek out and work with a professional advisor that’s qualified to help you understand taxation options during retirement.  When you decide to get some help, just know that AFS Advisors are well-versed in the techniques of minimizing taxes on retirement income and are able to assist you with your decisions.  Retirement planning is complicated and you need a specialist in this area to eliminate risk so you can keep more retirement dollars in your pocket and not in Uncle Sam’s.

With new tax laws, important IRS rulings and an ever-changing financial climate, it’s more important than ever before to attend this TAX CUT presentation.

There’s no reason in the world why anyone should pay taxes that you don’t have to pay!

Safeguard Your Money from The IRS Forever

Learn how to legally reposition your retirement savings and remove it from the watchful eyes of the IRS so that it is never taxed again!

Defuse the Tax Bomb on Social Security Income

Get a larger check on your Social Security retirement income when you use these same tools! That means no more taxes taken out of SS benefits!

Eliminate the HUGE costs of Long Term Care

See how other people are taking advantage of new ways that will cover your Long Term Care costs, if needed, without spending additional money!

Reduce or Permanently Eliminate Income Taxes

Get the tools that our US Congress provides so you can have TAX FREE income during your ‘Golden Years’ of life!

Discover how to leverage Financial Strategies to Your Benefit

95% of CPA’s & Financial Advisors don’t know about these strategies that can save you a ton of money in unnecessary taxes!

Get a Guaranteed Income For Life

Learn how to create an income stream, a ‘Paycheck For Life’, that you can never outlive… even if your account goes to Zero.  See how to lock in your gains without any risk or loss of your money when the stock market goes down.

This is the Retirement Tax Savings Event of the Year!

The Tax Train Is Coming!

There’s a massive freight train bearing down on the average American investor, and it’s coming in the form of higher taxes. The United States Government has made trillions of dollars in promises for programs like Social Security and Medicare it simply can’t afford to keep. The only way to deliver on these promises is to raise taxes. It’s simple math.

Some experts have even suggested that tax rates have to double just to keep our country solvent. Unfortunately, if you’re like most Americans, you’ve saved the majority of your retirement assets in tax-deferred vehicles like 401(k)s and IRAs.

When tax rates go up, how much of your hard-earned money will you really get to keep?

Retirement Analyzer

An examination and detailed report of your financial future.

Everyone that attends our Educational Programs or Webinar gets an IRA & 401k Performance Review.  This is an anlaysis of your current retirement plans.  We run that plan through a “time-test” to see if the results match up with your lifelong dreams. Such a close look may be critical—without it, how can you really be sure?

Having a sound personalized retirement income analysis is essential to realizing your dream retirement. With our retirement income analysis—you can take a closer look at some of your thoughts, assumptions and figures you’ve accumulated about retirement, and put them all together in an analysis to see if your strategy will hold up.   If your retirement income was going to fall short of paying for the plans you’ve made, when would you want to know?


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