Helping you achieve…
The American Dream
Live Tax-FREE in Retirement!
According to recent reports, more than 60% of people fear running out of money during their retirement. But with some education and a little homework, this does not have to be the case. In fact, when Uncle Sam is removed from the picture, the money you saved for retirement can potentially last considerably longer during your ‘Golden Years’ of life.
And if you are like most Americans, you’ve placed the majority of your retirement assets in tax-deferred accounts like 401(k)s, IRAs, TSPs, 403(b)s and 457 plans. The negative impact that taxes have on those savings at the time of withdrawal can be dramatic. And when tax rates go up, how much of your hard earned money will you get to keep?
Maximizing Your Income & Reducing Taxes In Retirement
Watch the 40 minute presentation that people are saying is a financially life changing event… on demand from anywhere at anytime.
ATTENTION: This event is NOT an offer for investment or insurance products. Nothing will be presented for sale. The material covered is typically not provided by a financial planner, investment advisor, accountant or financial institution.
We will discuss the following important topics for people expecting to retire in the next 5 to 10 years & those who are already retired.
Discover how to create a tax efficient retirement income that can last for your lifetime.
On Demand & Available… Anytime, Anywhere!
Attend this Exclusive Webinar Event and…
Learn first hand how your IRA & 401(k) savings are a Tax TIME BOMB threatening how long your $$$ last.
Discover how to optimize your retirement savings to be tax efficient and out of Uncle Sam’s grip.
See what tools are available today that enable you to leave more money to your heirs & do so Tax FREE!
Get a One Hour Strategy Session that gives you a detailed analysis of your Lifetime Financial Projections. Compare your current situation to where you can be.
This On Demand Webinar Event will show you:
How to avoid unnecessary taxation on Social Security income and your 401k or IRA retirement savings.
The potential financial and tax risks that are involved during retirement and how to avoid them.
Strategies to boost your retirement savings and potentially reduce or even eliminate your taxes while providing a guaranteed lifetime income.
With the changing tax rules and financial landscape, it’s important to understand the potential impact of taxes and how they can affect your income in retirement. Proper planning could help you to reduce the taxes you pay in retirement so that you can keep more of your hard earned money. The economy and financial world have changed. Gaining insight and new information from this webinar will address these changes and be critical to the financial security of your retirement savings.
Click HERE to Join the Webinar
Meet The Webinar Presenter
Hello, I’m Michael Meyer, founder and principal advisor of American Financial Security. For over 25 years, I’ve been helping people to financially achieve their version of the American Dream. This means making sure that retirement savings will last through your ‘Golden Years’ of life. Reducing or eliminating taxes during retirement can have a dramatic impact on accomplishing this goal. No, this is not some sort of tax dodge or offshore banking gimmick. This is US tax law that’s been around for 20 years. So why haven’t you taken advantage of it yet?
Investing 40 minutes of your time to attend this webinar could provide you with a lifetime of financial security. Learn from top economic & financial experts. See actual tax forms. Hear the tax saving experiences of real people. You deserve to know what thousands of others are using to their financial advantage. Attend the webinar today!
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Copyright © 2020 | American Financial Security ♦ 3030 N Rocky Point Dr W; Tampa, FL 33607
By providing your information, you give consent to be contacted with additional information and access to the webinar. This presentation is not intended to be legal or tax advice. The presenter can provide information, but not advice related to social security benefits. Attendees should seek guidance from the Social Security Administration regarding their particular situation. Social Security benefit payout rates can and will change at the sole discretion of the Social Security Administration. For more information, please consult a local Social Security Administration office, or visit