Maximizing the Performance of Retirement Savings.

Financial Planning Strategies and Resources

Your Trust. Our Financial Expertise.

“We’ll guide you in the right direction so you can get to where you want to be.”

It's not how much you have... but how much you get to keep.

Dreams very seldom materialize on their own.

We’ll help secure your ‘Pot of Gold’ so you can live out the American Dream.

Don’t Settle For Less

Who We Are | Our Focus

American Financial Security provides people just like you, with information they can use to make educated choices that are vitally important to safeguarding and preserving their nest egg.

Knowing that your money is safe and secure, will provide you with guaranteed income for as long as you live.  ‘A Paycheck for Life!’

Whether you’re “Years away from Retirement” or “Already Retired”… AFS can help you create a tailor made plan for your unique needs.

By devoting our time in getting to know you and listening closely when you talk about your dreams and aspirations, we’ll know precisely what direction and steps to take in order to achieve your objectives.

Find out what you need to do before and after you retire to make your money last a lifetime.  Learn about the options available to protect your present well-being, and secure a dignified lifestyle in your later years.

Wherever you are in life, the experts at AFS can meet your needs, exceed your expectations, and give you the peace of mind that comes from having the RIGHT protection and plan.

Our Mission

To share with the people in our communities all of the opportunities and rewards that are available when you take a proactive approach to addressing your present or future retirement.

Our Job

To help you gain a better understanding of financial concepts behind issues like Savings Accumulation, Retirement Income and Tax Planning.  With knowledge comes power and the ability to make educated decisions.

Our Goal

To provide you with the peace of mind that comes from having a financially secure retirement during your ‘Golden Years of Life’.  Spend time with family & friends and enjoy the lifestyle you have built for yourself.

Giving you control

AFS empowers people from all walks of life with information they need to secure a customized plan that is unique to their own financial goals and lifestyle.

safety first

The security of your Principal is paramount to you having a successful retirement. Showing you the ‘how & where’ to safeguard those savings is our job.

reasonable rate of return

It’s not about how much you make… but how much you get to keep!  Learn how to get stock market gains without risking your Principal.

Safeguard your future.

Call American Financial Security TODAY to schedule an

appointment and get the positive results you deserve.



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American Financial Security


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3030 N. Rocky Point Dr. W., #

Tampa, FL 33607